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Hello World!

If you’re reading this welcome to undrcurrents! The goal of this site is simple: to share great music you might not have heard about before. We’re living through a crazy experience right now; I’ve been quarantined inside my apartment for 3 weeks with no end in sight due to COVID-19, and listening to new music has been one of the ways I’ve been able to stay sane. Now more than ever, we have the time to listen deeply and engage with new sounds.

As a site, we aren’t aiming to cover any specific genre or type of music. We’ll be highlighting anything that catches our fancy, new or old. The only requirement is that it resonates with the writer in some way. Hopefully some of the music we cover will resonate with you too. Of course, if it does please consider buying a copy and supporting the artists directly; we’ll provide the links when available. Now more than ever we need to support musicians so they can continue creating in the future.

Check back often, you never know when your new favorite record might show up here.

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