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Girls in Synthesis – Now Here’s An Echo From Your Future (2020)

by David Wilikofsky

Back in 2012, I was lucky enough to see Savages on their first trips to the United States. They played a free show during that year’s CMJ festival at Pianos, and I was front and center. What followed was easily one of the best performances I’ve ever witnessed. The band was a vicious ball of energy, pausing only long enough for the squall of feedback to subside before moving from one song to another. It’s a memory that came to mind while listening to Now Here’s An Echo From Your Future, the debut album from London based trio Girls In Synthesis. The group has been active for the past few years, amassing buzz for their electric live shows and slim discography. Their debut album doesn’t disappoint.

Now Here’s An Echo From Your Future is a force of nature, an album that sounds absolutely massive and unstoppable. Sounds swirl around and pummel you. “Arterial Movements”, the album opener, is a perfect example. Anchored by a driving, steady beat, the track lurches forward with a manic energy. Feedback, vocals and guitars take turns grabbing center stage, each one fighting for control. In the end the song breaks into static, which just serves as a transition to the next track moments later. This happens over and over; the band never gives the listener a chance to catch their breath. Just as the storm looks like it’s about to break, a new one appears on the horizon. It’s a production choice that continually ratchets up the intensity as the album progresses.

Punks shows are as much physical experiences as aural ones. You can see the beads of sweat fly off the drummer. You get shoved around by the seeds of a mosh pit. You feel the spit coming out of the singer’s mouth. Girls In Synthesis have been able to capture that spirit on wax. Each sound is clearly articulated; you intensely feel each drum beat hit and each riff wash over you. There’s always a bit of feedback or static lingering in the background, providing a bit of ambient dread. Whether it’s the all out attack of “Tirades Of Hate and Fear” or the slow burn of a track like “Human Frailty”, the songs will literally hit you hard.

Now Here’s An Echo From Your Future is electric. It’s an album that manages to capture the energy and intensity of a live performance and package it for your listening pleasure. Honestly, it’s a performance that easily blows away many shows I’ve seen over the years. Listening to it put a smile on my face and made me excited for venues to reopen. All in all, it’s one of the best punk albums you’ll hear this or any year.

Published inReviews